The name cationic is derived from the migration of particles of bitumen under an electric field also. The droplets migrate toward the cathode (negative electrode), and hence the emulsion is called cationic. Bitumen emulsions are usually dispersions of minute droplets of bitumen in water and are examples of oil-in-water emulsions.
Bitumen emulsion is a mixture of fine droplets of bitumen and water. But as it is bitumen a predominantly petroleum product it does not mix with water and as it is sticky in nature, hence it gets disintegrated into fine droplets. For it to work an emulsifier is used. Emulsifier is a surface-active agent, that keeps the bitumen in its fine droplet state by disallowing it to mix with other droplets.
The bitumen content can be varied to suit different requirements and is typically between 30% and 70%. The primary objective of emulsifying bitumen is to obtain a product that can be used without the heating normally required when using cutbacks and paving grade bitumen.
We produce various emulsion grades such as K1 60 and K1 70.
Cationic Bitumen Emulsions K1 60
Bitumen Emulsion K1-60 cationic bitumen emulsion is an emulsified asphalt containing minimum 57 % bitumen. With it’s a medium viscosity emulsion that can also be used in grouting. Bitumen Emulsion K1-60 are cold applied, liquid bitumen emulsions, used in the construction and repair of pavements, driveways, roads, and highways.
This product is denoted by the prefix ‘K’ signifying a cationic emulsion. The ‘1’ signifies a rapid breaking type of emulsion, while the number to the right of the hyphen indicates the bitumen content. Therefore K1-60 denotes rapid break, cationic emulsion with 57% normal bitumen content.
Uses of K1 60
Bitumen Emulsion K1-60 is primarily used as a tack coat, to provide a bond between the existing surface
and overlays e.g hot rolled asphalt or between courses in road construction.
Due its higher bitumen content, is generally used for surface dressing, patching, retread, and other similar applications.
K1-60 may be used as a tack coat in special cases where night construction or high humidity exists.
Cationic Bitumen Emulsions K1 70
This is a cationic rapid setting bitumen emulsion containing 67% bitumen. Based on its medium viscosity emulsion it is mainly used for tack coating in normal overlay and patching work. Bitumen emulsion K1-700 is chocolate brown in color and is a free-flowing liquid at ambient temperature and it is also used for Tack-Coating.
Applied to an underlying surface to aid with the adhesion of the following asphalt layer. Bitumen Emulsion K1-70 Is also used for Fog Sealing, Mist Spraying, Concrete Curing, Grouting, Sealing, Patching, Formation, and Sub-base and Surface Dressing.